"Writing a book is the art of listening to oneself."-Brad Cameron

Monday, April 21, 2014

Write a Review, Get a Prize!

Book One of THE ZEKE PROPER CHRONICLES, Odin's Light, is on sale for only 2 more days on Amazon Kindle!! Did you get your copy yet? If not, you can get it HERE. In anticipation for the release of Book Three, The Gates of Asgard, I am offering a SIGNED copy of the new book for one lucky reader. All you have to do to enter, is write a review of Odin's Light on Amazon by May 31st
and leave your email address in a comment below. One winner will be chosen. Feedback from my readers is very important to me. I can't wait to hear what you think!


Thursday, April 17, 2014


As of 8am this morning, the REVISED edition of Book One of THE ZEKE PROPER CHRONICLES, Odin's Light, is available through Kindle for only $.99! In anticipation for the release of Book Three, The Gates of Asgard, I want as many readers and lovers of fantasy, fiction and Norse Mythology to have a chance to buy and read Book One. After you get your copy, please spread the word and WRITE A REVIEW on Amazon! Feedback from my readers is very important to me. I can't wait to hear what you think!
Visit http://www.amazon.com/Odins-Light-Zeke-Proper-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B007NCIRMQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1397755743&sr=1-1&keywords=Odin%27s+Light to get your copy or click on the book cover above!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Amazon Kindle Countdown!

In anticipation of the release of Book Three of THE ZEKE PROPER CHRONICLES, The Gates of Asgard, the revised edition of Book One, Odin's Light, will be on sale thru Amazon Kindle Countdown for only $0.99 starting Thursday, April 17th at 8am!! This price will only be in effect for a limited time. After you get your revised edition, make sure to leave a review. Feedback from my readers is very important to me. I can't wait to hear what you think!


Friday, April 4, 2014

My Journey to the Gates of Asgard

While in college, I remember being subject to several lectures, embroiled in mounds of reading assignments, and challenged to the limit with writing projects. In general, I remember many of those tasks, but specifics completely elude me. However, I do remember some profound words of one of my favorite professors. They are words I’ve often repeated to my own writing students: Writing is hard work.

Many of my students struggle with the task of writing, often expressing their displeasure in the form of moans and whines. I think most students expect the skill to just happen; when it doesn’t, they give up. It’s sad when they do. But I have to admit; when they express the desire to quit, I can honestly say that I understand – I get it.

While writing the third book in the Zeke Proper Chronicles – The Gates of Asgard - I’ve often found myself on the brink of quitting, simply giving up and instead spending my evenings tinkering with some woodworking tools in my garage rather than wasting my time in my tiny office trying to work out another complicated scene. But I’ve persevered. I think the reason I have is because I want to find out how the story ends just as much as my loyal readers. In my experience, I’ve discovered that Zeke’s story wants itself to be told. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve sat down at my computer, having in mind a particular direction I think I want the story to take when I’m suddenly blindsided. The tale begins to tell itself, taking me in directions I would have never imagined. Sure, the process has been hard. It’s been a challenge that has frustrated me with elated highs and bitter lows, moments of pure inspiration and instances of harsh disappointment. But I think that’s what’s made it all worth it. If I didn’t have to work for it, then where would the satisfaction be?

As it stands, The Gates of Asgard is complete. It’s going through some final edits, but for the most part the rest of the story’s been told – and it’s really good. I’m not just saying that because I wrote it. I’m saying that because, really, I didn’t write it. It wrote itself, and it will take you on a journey that will blow your mind. 

Book Three of The Zeke Proper Chronicles -The Gates of Asgard
Brad Cameron
Release date May 2014