I was
invited by Brad Cameron to guest post on his blog and have been thinking about
what to write, when my Beta Readers asked me to write about my obsession, errr... fascination
with sirens, because this is what my 1st novel is about, SIRENS. Yes, so, let's
see, where did it start? Ah, I know, with Rusalkas. I'll explain in
a second. You see, if you told me about 15 years ago that I would be writing
novels, more than that, that I'd be writing novels in English, I'd probably
look at you like you were mad. Because back then not only did I not know any
English at all (well, except "Hello" and "I love you" both
of which I heard in pop songs), I didn't know how to write either, having been
told since high school that my writing sucks because I have "too much imagination."
I always got B's and never A's on my essays, but
that didn't stop me from being fascinated with magical creatures from Russian
fairy tales, a lot of which reside in the woods, and swamps, and bogs, and
ponds. Especially Rusalkas. Mermaids, in English.
I can't pinpoint the exact moment when this interest in Rusalkas struck me, only
the fact that when I was studying acting in my teens (yeah, I wanted to be an
actress once upon a time) I spent hours in the library looking up the history
of Russian theater and folklore and stumbled on so many legends involving Rusalkas that eventually I
forgot all about my research and started reading more about them. Hey, what's
not to like? In Slavik
unlike a mermaid, a Rusalka is not simply a
woman who changed into a magical being, but a woman who has died violently,
before her time, or from suicide. She also had to die in or near a river or a
lake, to claim it as her territory. Once her murder was avenged, however, she
could die in peace. The dark angle of this myth fascinated me, especially
because I've been a suicidal teenager and a runaway (I ran away from home at
16, got pregnant at 17, had my daughter at 18, you get the picture). I think
since then I had an image of this unhappy girl in my mind and it touched me
deeply because of my personal history which included very dark childhood with a
lot of trauma of which I was not aware until my thirties, until I settled in
life and became happy.

There you have it. These are my sirens, and that's why I'm fascinated with them. They are a perfect blend of a bad girl and an innocent maiden, the yin and the yang in one body, beautiful and elusively ugly, sophisticated and primitive at the same time, and they are... women. Along with suicide, another underlying theme in my novel is misogyny, or hatred or dislike of women and girls, which I had to experience myself growing up and which is why I'm writing this novel, to shed the light on how it feels from the inside.
Oh, and I live in Seattle. It rains here all the time. What else to write about, if not about water creatures?
- Ksenia anske
Novel excerpt: http://www.kseniaanske.com/blog/2012/12/24/siren-suicides-excerpt-draft-5.html
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Thank you so much for letting me ramble on your blog, Brad!
ReplyDeleteA great post, Ksenia, and thank you too, Brad! I knew about the lack of elbows in your sweaters, Ksenia, but not about your past experiences of growing up in Russia; nor did i realise that your daughter is very nearly the same age as Ailen in Siren Suicides! Thank you for letting us into your life, and into your heart. We, your fans have already embraced you and taken you into our hearts, where, i hope it is warming and you feel at home, safe and loved.
ReplyDeleteSure thing! Always.